Sound Proof Glass

Utah’s Best Source for Professionally Installed & Customized Sound Proof Glass

What Is Sound Proof Glass?

Sound proof glass is simply a type of glass that keeps noise from one side from transferring to the other. As a general rule, it is most often sought after by those who reside close to highways, train stations or other areas that are prone to high levels of noise. As a general rule, all glass does provide somewhat of a sound barrier. However, glass that does not allow any sound through is incredibly expensive and hard for the layman to easily get.

What Is It Used For & How Does It Work?

There are many methods that can be employed to reduce the amount of sound that penetrates glass. The most common is simply using glass that is thicker than required or was previously employed. This works because the material is a bit harder and does not allow as much vibration. The natural consequence is a reduction in noise penetration. Sometimes, insulation is used, or even spacing between a couple of thick glass panes.

Sound Proof Glass is Strong!

Another, rather easy way is the use of a laminate material. This method also involves two panes but, at least one of them has a thin layer of plastic applied to a surface. Not only does this reduce the ability of noise to penetrate the area, it provides an added layer of security. This is due to the fact that it makes the glass more challenging to break through. In regions prone to hurricanes and similar storms, it is frequently used to meet state and local building codes for stormproofing. Not only does it provide these forms of protection, it has the added benefit of working with thinner pieces of glass.

How To Know If A Piece of Glass Will Reduce Noise Adequately

One of the easiest ways for the average consumer to determine how well a particular window will reduce outside noise is known as a Sound Transmission Class Number. The lower the number, the less effective at keeping the environmental sounds at bay. Average windows rate around 27, while those made of regular, double paned glass with no other upgrades will be a digit or two higher. There are sound proof glass manufacturers who have a rating in the mid to upper 40s, which prevents more than 90% of outside sound from penetrating the building. It can be costly to make glass keep all noise out, and is generally not suggested for homeowners. The thickness levels are extreme and the weight difficult for the average home walls to support. However, in recording studios, sound proof glass is built in to keep sound quality high. In some instances, minute amounts may still penetrate.